Let's do it together

Let us contact you. Give us your telephone number.


What services are you interested in?

Vyberte o jaké produkty se zajímáte?

Installation address

Company adress

WIA spol. s r. o.

A.Staška 511/40, 140 00 Praha 4 – Krč

+420 211 151 211 (Customer care residental - Mo - Su: 7.00 - 21.00)
+420 225 372 055 (Technical support residential - nonstop)
+420 211 151 151 (Technical support companies - nonstop)
+420 246 035 411 (Reception: Mo-Thu: 8.45 - 16.45, Fri: 8.45 - 16.00)
+420 246 035 410

WIA Point Cheb

Kamenná 215/4, 350 02 Cheb

Working hours:

+420 351 010 010
Mon-Fri: 9.00 - 18.00 wp-cheb@wia.cz
Sat: 9.00 - 12.00

WIA Point Úštěk

Mírové nám. 43, 411 45 Úštěk

Working hours:

+420 417 639 639
Mon: 9.00 - 17.00 wp-ustek@wia.cz
Tue: 13.00 - 17.00
Wed: 9.00 - 17.00
Thu: 13.00 - 17.00
Fri: 13.00 - 17.00

Billing information

WIA spol. s r.o.

Vojtěšská 17, 110 00 Praha 1

IČ: 26703297

DIČ: CZ26703297

Data box ID: jw9bx93

The company is registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, dept. C, mark 88450.


WIA Internet and WIA Optika services are provided by:

WIA Internet s.r.o.

Vojtěšská 231/17, 110 00 Praha 1

IČ: 22395377, DIČ: CZ22395377

ID datové schránky: pra33jz

The company is registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, dept. C, mark 416009.


WIA DSL and WIA Opti services are provided by:

WIA online services s.r.o.

Vojtěšská 231/17, 110 00 Praha 1

IČ: 22395253, DIČ: CZ22395253

ID datové schránky: exz33j6

The company is registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, dept. C, mark 416008.


Contact for change of provider according to §34a ZoEK: mop@wia.cz

The contact is used exclusively for communication in connection with the change of the Internet access service provider pursuant to §34a of the Act. The service is available on working days from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Bank connection

Accounts for payments in CZK:

Raiffeisenbank, a. s.:818279001/5500(accounts WIA Internet)
942942341/5500(accounts WIA Optika)
8443333003/5500(accounts WIA DSL and WIA Opti)
8443333003/5500(accounts WIA DSL and WIA Opti)
942942042/5500(for other services)


Accounts for payments in EUR/USD:

IBAN: CZ38 2060 0000 0000 0100 6172
Citfin, spořitelní družstvoSWIFT: CITFCZPPXXX